heres another one of my reviews on club dead by charline harris their are spoiler if yout don't want to be spoiled the don't read it!!

synopsis- There's only one vampire that cocktail waitress Sookie Stackhouse is involved with (at least voluntarily) and it's Bill Compton. But when she catches him in a serious act of betrayal, she's not sure whether to save him-or sharpen some stakes.
my review - first of what hell sookie kissing Alcide & almost have sex with eric whale biil been beating bloodly!! i know he lie to her but come on she trun around & get thogether with some other guy whale she probly still in love with bill!!! as always eric is my favorite in this book with the other charaters like pam is awsome !! i'm sorry to say that sookie more likable in the other two book then this one she sim not that wise & she dose on blue with out even thinking i guess she did think but didn't really care the out come!!!
my rateing - 4 & half their some part i can't stand but the rest i love
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