it started at 1999 when i was in my juner year of high school when i started reading Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone in my engish class i didn't really care for the book that much then i saw the movie & i love it!! then my harry potter geekdon started but it didn't really start till Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban the movie came out on dvd i think i saw in movie theaters but i'm not sure but i watch dvd two time's many be more i just love it i don't know why i guess it os dark!! then i started to buy the books & the movie's i was harry potter fan till that day & grew!! seeing the deadly hollows part 1 on dvd witch was awsome then seeing part two in theaters last saturday was epic i just love it it think this two last movie my favorite in the movies series!!! i even cryed in end seeing harry & ron & Hermione all grown up takeing their kids to Platform 9¾ it's was just awsome to see it with the ending kids waveing like the first flim you seeing harry waveing bye !!! i just love this this movie i really hopeing j.k rowling write more books!!! i'll miss you harry potter but i have the books & movies os i'll be visting you soon!!!
got blaze elizabeth / bessie
heres same cool pics i found on google

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