heres another one of my reviews on marvel adventures spider-man issue 12 their are spoilers if you don't want be spoiled then don't read it if you don't care got head!!
got to blaze elizabeth / bessie

writer : Paul Tobin
penciler : Matteo Lolli
inker: Terry Pallot
colors : Chris Sotomayor
letters : Dave Sharpe
cover: Patrick Scherberger & Edger Delgado
production : Irene Y. Lee
chief creative officer: Joe Quesada
publisher : Dan Buckley
editor in chief : Axel Alonso
executive producer : Alan Fine
editor : Jordan D. White
synopsis - It's been's been bubbling over…and now the war between Spider-Man and the Torino crime family explodes! It's an all-out battle on the streets of New York, and it won't be without a long term casualty in Peter's love life... and quite possibly a short and immediate effect on his life span! ( got this on ).
my review - this is good for my first spiderman comic knowing that this for kids & the story is pretty good it sims that going to like the movie like spiderman comment or joke around whale he beating the bad guys is other spiderman comic like this ??? witch kinda werid but not really bad!! the art is good i really love when they fast back like hour ago & ti like black & white & it awsome to see spiderman in the black in white fighting the bad guys!! the new charater are okay i really like blonde phantom she sim cool & mysterious gril is kinda cool but what was kinda lame that they tell bad guys how they got all stuff with silencer making them forgetting what they did or made them do stuff i very werid & dosent fit in the story that well but knowing that it kid comic i guess it okay!!!
my rateing - 3 & half stars for the story it good for most part but most part i didn't like!! & 3 stars for art & ink witch are very good!!! 4 stars for cover i really love it such awsome cover!!!!
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