here my review of The Descent their are spoiler os if you don't want be spoiled then don't read it it you dont care go head....
got to blaze elizabeth / bessie
Friday, March 30, 2012
Monday, March 26, 2012
frist teaser tailer from breaking drawn part two
got to blaze elizabeth / bessie
frist official teaser tailer of breaking drwan part 2 comes out in movie theatre's nov 16 !!!
Saturday, March 24, 2012
frist teaser tailer of the host
i was look around the net & found out on imdb that their new teaser tailer of the host base on the novel Stephanie Meyer wrote !!! it's comeing out in movie theatre march 29,2013 witch long to wait for this movie but it probly be worth it!!!
got to blaze elizabeth / bessie
the official tailer of the host that comes out in march 29 , 2013 wich looks awesome!!
Friday, March 23, 2012
movie poster of dark shandows
i found on google image poster of the cast of the movie dark shandows witch look cool!!! their might be more witch i don't know about you throw net...
got blaze elizabeth / bessie
hunger games is out in movie theatres!!!

hunger games is out in movie theatre's wooo hooo!!!! can't wait to see it!!! in other news their finally a tailer for the dark shadows witch is comeing in movie theatre may 11 & the cabin woods witch is comeing out in movie theatre at april 13 both look awesome!!!
the tailer of dark shadows that comeing out in movie theaters on may 11...
tailer of cabin in the woods comeing to movie theatre on april 13....
Thursday, March 22, 2012
my review on vampire dairies season 1, episode 2 : night of the comet
heres my review on vampire dairies season 1, episode 2 : night of the comet their are spoilers if you don't want o be spoiled then don't read it!!!
got to blaze elizabeth / bessie
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
my review on the movie The Descendants
heres my review on the descendants their are spoiler if you don't want be spoiled then don't read it if you don't care then read anyways!!!
got to blaze elizabeth / bessie
got to blaze elizabeth / bessie
Friday, March 16, 2012
review on the movie waiting for forever
heres another review on the movie waiting for forever thiers might spoliers if you don't want be spoiled then don't read it if you don't care go head...
got to blaze elizabeth/ bessie
got to blaze elizabeth/ bessie
Thursday, March 15, 2012
my review on priest
here my review on priest their might be spoliers if you don't want be spoiler then go head!!!
my overview on 84 academy awards
i'm os glad that billy crystal is back he just fit with the Oscar's i just miss him!! even hugh jackman i love have back but bill crystal just like his just fits being their like his was made to be hosting ths ocsar!!! the show was great but they did'nt do music part witch i look forword to but i really don't understand why they would cut it out when the people whos wrote the music or sing on album can't pro form it i think that best part but oh well!! some of the people & movie i wanted to win won like Meryl Streep that won best actress award & rango for best animation & a song from the muppets won for best song witch i was glad that this won !!! but in all the evening was awsome i'm glad i watch it !!!!
heres the link of all the winners
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
my review on fame
my review on fame their might be spoliers if you don't want be spolied then don't read it!!!
got to blaze elizabeth / bessie
got to blaze elizabeth / bessie
my years of books & tv show of 2011
books series :
John Cleaver series by dan wells (total 13 stars )
1) i am not a serial killer (4 stars)
3) i don't want to kill you ( 5 stars)
sword of truth series by terry goodkind (3 1/2 stars)
The Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins
dark hunters series by sherrilyn kenyon ( total 14 stars)
1) fantasy lover ( 5 stars)
4) Night Embrace ( 5 stars)
sookie stakehouse series by charline harris
the host by stephenie meyer ( 4 stars)
comics & manga
d.n. angel vol 1 by Yukiru Sugisaki ( 4 stars)
Astonishing X-Men Vol. 25: Ghost Box , direct edition by warren ellis ( 4 1/2 stars for the art & 4 stars for the story) total 8
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter: Guilty Pleasures vol 1 by laurell k. hamilton & Stacie Ritchie & Jessica Ruffner-Booth ( 5 stars)
marvel adventures spider-man issue 12 by Paul Tobin ( 3 1/2 stars for the story & 3 stars for art & ink & 4 star for clover) total 10
brightest day issue 3 by geoff johns , peter j. tomasi ( 4 for story & 4 for colors & 3 for cover ) total 11
locke & key: crown shadows series by joe hill (total 10 stars)
issue 1 chaper 1 the hunting of keyhouse ( 5 stars)
tv show series
supernatural season 1 ( total 47 stars)
epiosde 1 : pilot ( 5 stars)
Episode 2: Wendigo (4 stars)
Episode 3 : Dead in the Water ( 5 stars)
episode 4: phantom traveler ( 5 stars )
episode 5: Bloody Mary ( 4 stars)
episode 6 : skin ( 5 stars)
episode 7 : Hook Man ( 5 stars)
episode 8 :Bugs ( 4 stars)
episode 9 : home ( 5 stars)
episode 10 : Asylum ( 5 stars)
supernathural season 7 ( total 9 stars)
epoisde 3 ,The Girl Next Door ( 4 stars)
epiosde 10 : death's door ( 5 stars)
vampire diaries season one
episode 1 : Pilot ( 5 stars)
dark angel season 1
epiosde 1 : Pilot ( 5 stars)
my review on walking dead season 2 : episode 12 Batter Angels
here my review on walking dead season 2 : episode 12 Batter Angels i might do a review on the final episode but if matter i like it if not then i review it another time!!!
got to blaze elizabeth / bessie
got to blaze elizabeth / bessie
my review on short flim Aftermath
got to blaze elizabeth/ bessie
Sunday, March 4, 2012
upcomeing reviews!!!!!
Friday, March 2, 2012
darren hayes news
i havent been on u tube lately & i saw their new vedios on darren hayes os i have lot to watch !!! & their new music vedio called bloodstained heart from his new album Secret Codes and Battleships !! & it awsome!!!
here the official vedio of bloodstained heart from his new album Secret Codes and Battleships!!!
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