i just saw cats witch is my second time seeing it i frist saw at palm desert i think i was 17 or 18 & remembering loving it then going throw my life seeing musical but none thing made me theatre nut till seeing lestat the musical on u tube & it made want to see every musical out their then my mom friend Linda bot me phantom the opera & i couldn't stop watching it!!! then i found andrew webber write the muisc & i search him found out that he did cats too!!! os yeah i bot Cats Original Cast Recording witch is very awsome!!! now being theatre nerd knowing pretty much every thing to know about it!! after my brithday i found out my sister bot me a ticket of cats i was suned & jump for joy!! now today seeing the frist time in 17 years or 18 remebering everything cuise i watch the live tape on it i think it was in lundon??? but anyways enthering theatre feeling nerious & exected hopeing it be great!! buying two t shrits & pin & program with very cool pic's looking around seeing this girl handing out cat ears their pink with fury pink fush grab two them one for me & my sister & of curise i had put on right their os yeah i wear it for the whole show & when i got home my sister tuck pic of me wearing it holding my program hopefully she can post it tommrrow on facebook os keep chicking my facebook for it!!! but like min or hour they let us in seeing the stage god i wish i tuck pic it was os awsome if you seen cats you know what i'm talking about!! then the musical started & i'll tell you i love every thing my eyes where suck on stage payingtion to every move they made!!!lol it os awsome i awe my sister big time!!! & after called my mom told her how awsome it was & my ant telling her everything about my night os yes i'm differenty a new fan of cats....
got to blaze elizabeth / bessie
photos i found on google!!!