j.j. abrams : super 8 ( my secondly pick)
edgar wright :scott pilgrim vs. the world
scott pilgrim vs. the world
pirates of the caribbean : on stranger tides (chase through london ) ( my secondly pick)
transformers: dark side of the moon (the highway case)
tron : ledgacy (light jet battle & escape) (my first pick)
the adjustment bureau (open door chase throught manhatten)
best fantasy actress- ( 0 points)
penelope cruz (in pirates of the caribbinean : on stranger tides)
lena headly ( in game of thornes) (my secondly pick)
jennifer lawrence ( in x men :first class)
natalie portmen ( in black swan)
emma watson ( in harry potter deathly hollows - part 2) (my first pick)
best fantasy actor- ( 10 points)
sean bean ( in game of thornes)
johnny depp ( in pirates of the caribbinean : on stranger tides) (my secondly pick)
micheal fassbender ( in x men :first class)
james mcavoy (in x men :first class)
daniel radcliffe ( in harry potter deathly hollows - part 2) ( my first pick)
best science fiction actress- ( 0 points)
hayley atwell ( in captain america : the first avenger)
karen gillan ( in doctor who)
milla jovovich (in resident evil : after life)
anna torv ( in fringe) ( my first pick)
olivia wilde ( in tron legacy) ( my secondly pick)
best science fiction actor - ( 10 points)
daniel craig (in cowboy & aliens)
chris evans ( in captain america : the first avenger) ( my first pick)
harrison ford ( in cowboys & aliens)
jake gyllenhall ( in source code)
matt smith ( in doctor who) (my secondly pick)
best horror actress - ( 0 points)
sarah wayne callies ( in walking dead) ( my secondly pick)
neve campbell ( in scream ) ( my first pick)
anna paquin ( in true blood)
chloe grace moretz ( in let me in)
rose byrne (in insidous)
best horror actor - ( 10 points)
michael c. hall ( in dexter) ( my first pick)
andrew lincoln ( in walking dead)
stephen moyer ( in true blood)
alexander skarsgare ( in true blood) ( my secondly pick)
patrick wilson ( in insidous)
best villan- ( 4 points)
keavin bacon ( as sebastian shaw in x men : first class)
satya bhaba,chris evans,brandon routh, mea whitman,shota saito,keita saito & jason schwatzman ( as the league of evils in scott pilgrim vs. the world) ( my secondly pick)
ralph fiennes( as lord voldemort in harry potter & the deathly hallows) (my first pick)
cho min-sik ( as kyung-chul in i saw devil)
hugo weaving (as the red skull in captain america : the first avenger)
best superhero - ( 0 points)
chris evans ( as captain america in captain america : the first avenger)
chris hemsworth ( as thor in thor)
james mcavoy ( as professor x in x men : first class) (my secondly pick)
ryan reynolds ( as the green lantern in green lantern)
tom welling ( as clark kent in smallville) ( my first pick)
best supporting actress- ( 0 points)
jamie alexander ( in thor)
laurie holden ( in walking dead) (my secondly)
mila kunis ( in black swan)
helen mirren ( in red)
ellen wong (in scott pilgrim vs. the world) ( my first pick)
best supporting actor - ( 0 points)
peter dinklage ( in game of thrones)
kieran culkin ( in scott pilgrim vs. the world)
rupert grint ( in harry potter & the deathly hallows) ( my secondly pick)
tommy lee jones (in captain america : the first avenger)
alan rickman ( in harry potter & the deathly hallows) (my first pick)
brakeout performance - female - ( 10 points)
jaimie alexander ( in thor)
hayley atwell ( in captain america : the first avenger)
emilia clarke ( in game of thornes) ( my first pick)
elle fanning ( in super 8)
zoe kravitz ( in x men: first class) (my secondly pick)
brakeout performance - male - ( 0 points)
jon bernthal ( in the walking dead) ( my secondly pick)
micheal fassbender ( in x men :first class) (my first pick)
chris hemsworth ( in thor)
tom hiddleston ( thor)
joe manganiello ( in true blood)
best camo - ( 4 points)
buzz aldrin ( in transformers: dark of the moon)
kristen bell & anna paquin ( in scream)
richard dreyfuss ( in piranha 3d) ( my first pick)
hugh jackman ( in x men : first class) (my secondly pick)
keith richards ( in pirates of the caribbean : on stranger tides)
best ensemble - ( 0 points)
game of thrones ( my secondly pick)
harry potter & the deathy hallows - part 2 (my first pick)
true blood
x men : first class
most memorable mutilation - ( 0 points)
game of thornes ( head covered in molten gold) ( my first pick)
piranha 3d ( penis bitten off ,then vomited up by piranha)
saw 3d : final chapter ( the reverse bear trap)
piranha 3d ( scalped alive by motor boat)
black swan ( transformed into swan) ( my secondly pick)
fight scene of the year - ( 0 points)
red ( airport cargo yard fight)
harry potter & the deathly hallows - part 2 ( the battle of hogwarts) ( my first pick)
captain america : the first avenger ( final battle : captain america vs. red skull)
harry potter & the deathly hallows - part 2 ( final battle: harry potter vs. lord voldemort)( my secondly pick)
scott pilgrim vs. the world ( final battle :scott pilgrim & knives vs.gideon graves)
holy shit scene of the year - ( 4 points)
transformers : dark of the moon ( escape form collapsing building)
tron: legacy ( light cycle battle) (my secondly pick)
harry potter & the deathly hallows - part 2 ( the room of requirement fiendfire) ( my first pick)
super 8 ( the train crash)
best independent movie - ( 0 points)
another earth
hatchet 2( my first pick)
i saw the devil
rubber( my secondly pick)
best 3d movie - ( 0 points)
captain america : the first avenger
harry potter & the deathly hallows - part 2 ( my first pick)
piranha 3d
transformers : dark of the moon
tron: legacy( my secondly pick)
best f/x - ( 4 points)
harry potter & the deathly hallows - part 2 ( my first pick)
sucker punch
transformers : dark of the moon
tron: legacy ( my secondly pick)
best comic book or graphic novel - ( 0 points)
american vampire ( my secondly pick)
locke & key ( my first pick)
the walking dead
best comic book writer - ( 0 points)
ed brubaker (captain america,captian america : reborn, the marvels project,steve rogers : super solder) ( my secondly pick)
joe hill ( locke & key , the cape) ( my first pick)
robert kirkman ( the astounding wolf-man,invincible,the walking dead)
grant morrison ( batman incorporated, joe the barbarian)
mike mignola ( baltimore,the amazing screw - on head)
best comic book artist - ( 0 points)
charlie adlard ( the walking dead)
mark buskinham ( fables)( my secondly pick)
duncan fegredo ( hellboy)( my first pick)
john romita, jr. ( avengers, kick ass 2)
berinie wrightson ( doc macabre)
best comic book movie - ( 4 points)
captain america : the first avenger
cowboys & aliens
scott pilgrim vs. the world ( my first pick)
x men : first class (my secondly)