Air Gear: Complete Box Set came last tuesday witch is awsome !!! i forget to post it sorry i'll try not do that agein!!!

out last tuesday!!!!
here another on of my on supernathural Season 1, Episode 3 : Dead in the Water their might be spoilers os if you don't want be spoiled then don't read it!!!!
heres another of my review on supernathural Season 1, Episode 2: Wendigo their might be spoilers os if you don't want be spoiled then don't read it if you don't care then got head!!!
allison & lillia & Vampire Knight Guilty 2 came out tuesday & they look very good but their no about or speaical feautres!!! witch is werid!!!!
Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides came out in theatres yesterday!!!!! woohoo i'll be be seeing it soon i hope i'll get payed next week witch is awsome!!!!
priest came out last friday & i havent been online for flow days witch is werid but i'm back woohoo!!!!!
is out in movie theatres!!!!!
the throne of fire by rick riordan & bite clue by rachel caine comes out last tuesday!!! i toally forgt to post them i'm sorry i'll try not do it agein!!! if you nice i'm reviewing supernatral i'm going wait till vampire dairies come dvd & i'll review them i keep for getting os yeah i'll be review supernathral then maybe dark angel & other tv shows i have on dvd & i poted a new art work on denvart page & posted a new review on my flicker page!! i'm planning on going Pulaski Technical College this fall but i have to taek compass test witch are on frist saturday on every month witch i have no idea what that means but i'll be takeing their theater & flim & art but will see if i pass the test yet witch i probly will !!got to blaze elizabeth / bessie
came out last tuesday!!!! such pretty clover!!!
come out last thursday!!! very cool clover...
heres another one of my review on blood + vol 1 by asuka katsura & Camellia Nieh their might be spolers os might don't don't want to read it if you don't care go head!!!